Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Creating unrealistic goals for children.

I've been wondering for most of the day why it is that many people will tell their children that they can be anything they want to be when they grow up. In reality judging by statistics and standards of what we know about a child's performance level, other intellectual and physical growth elements we know this isn't true. The typical average child will never become a veterinarian, in fact only those scoring at least in the 94 percentile on standardized test will likely be accepted into a school to study veterinary medicine. Beyond even setting up children on unrealistic dreams, schools like mine will present older students with the opportunity to tour schools like University of Pennsylvania and see what their veterinary program is like, why in the world is my school taking students with an average 55th percentile score to a school that accepts students with an average 96th percentile. I don't personally understand what the motive for such an idea is, upon my own evaluation of the situation I see it as some kind of joke my school is playing on students who won't understand it. 

Perhaps I should re-title this entry "The Crisis of the Above Average", upon thinking about the issue I've wondered if perhaps those who score average scores fail to recognize what they are unable to do, I personally know many people who fall in this range who reach for the impossible dream. The reason why I'd be calling the entry "The Crisis of the Above Average" is it seems to present that students who score above average on standardized exams are more likely to realize they will not reach goals of being considered "the best". 

The purpose of this entry is mainly for me to whine and complain without calling or bothering someone directly, the goal is not to discourage people from every dream they have ever had. What I'm asking is that people please make realistic goals for themselves and others, so they they ultimately won't be disappointed why the can't accomplish goals that someone evaluating the situation from an outside perspective knew was unreasonable for such a person to accomplish. Please make reasonable goals in which you will have to work hard to accomplish but are within your capabilities. 

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